Digital Course Academy + The Launch Lounge™ Bonus Experience!

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Amy Porterfield's


with Salome Schillack

Let us help you create a massively profitable audience begging to buy your course faster.

Receive tailored support from the expert personally chosen by Amy Porterfield to train her students in filling their list and their webinars with leads using Facebook™ and Instagram™ advertising.

With $1,997 In Exclusive Bonuses

Amplify your experience in

Glowing Reviews From Raving Students

Evergreen Profits

Working ON Your Business Not IN Your Business

Free Time

Recurring Revenue

Our Bonus Experience Is For You If You Want MORE:

One of the biggest challenges I had to overcome was “Will my course be good enough?” and I know that’s not an uncommon feeling for most new online course creators.

With Amy’s help, I promise you, you’ll have the absolute gold standard in how to get your knowledge into a professional-looking course that your students will love. But she doesn't stop there - you’ll also have a proven method for launching your course and making sales in a way that feels authentic and aligned with your values!

Both how to create and promote your course.


As one of the coaches working with her team to help her students succeed, I’ve witnessed her team going out of their way to make sure that no questions go unanswered.

This team is seriously committed to making sure every student is served.


But what really sets her apart is her ability to take big, overwhelming systems and break them down into easy-to-digest, step-by-step processes. All you have to do is show up and put in the work. 

Amy may be known as one of the top online marketers in the world.


I’ve made friends and have created profitable collaborations with the people I met in her community. This is the most incredible group of people you’ll meet and they will support you every step of the way.

In Amy’s community, I have met people who’ve become like sisters to me.

Amy Creates Communities That Are Filled With Compassionate, Caring And Kind People

It took me about 6 months to fully learn the system with life happening in between, but when I executed it all, step-by-step, I made my first $2,000 selling an online course.

I literally just followed the steps and it worked.

I Am Living Proof That What Amy Porterfield Teaches, Works

Why We Love Amy And Are Proud Affiliates For Digital Course Academy

 . . . with no fluff and no stone left unturned.

From strategy

To planning

To creation

To launching

What You Can Create With Digital Course Academy

Digital Course Academy helps online business owners and entrepreneurs turn their knowledge and know-how into a digital course that will generate consistent revenue for their business.

The program provides a step-by-step strategy for the entire course creation journey...

So that you can make an impact in the world while growing your income and freedom to life-changing levels.

To building a digital course that they can launch over and over again. 

Teaches students how to make the ultimate shift from struggling to make money online, feeling stretched too thin, and uncertain of what they should be doing to create a profitable asset in their business...

In a nutshell, 


"Salome and her team have helped take my business to a whole new level. The first year we worked together my business took a quantum leap forward."


Using DCA and the strategies and ads support in TLL. 

From $100,000 to a multi 6 figure business

Anne LaFollette scaled…

Patti Nott

"People are booking consults and signing on as clients."


Combining what she learned in DCA with the powerful audience-building strategies she learned in TLL. 

Successful course launcher to profitable coach

Patti Nott went from…

Success Stories From Some of our DCA + TLL Bonus Experience Students

Kyleigh Banks

"Thank you Amy and thank you Salome. I would not have created a 6 figure business and my partner would still be working if it wasn't for you both."


And when Kyleigh Banks combined what she learned from Amy in Digital Course Academy and added the mentoring she received inside The Launch Lounge™, she was able to create a $220,000 launch and build a 6 figure business within one year of joining DCA and TLL. 

Making Just $500 In Her Business To $14K In Her First DCA Launch

Kyleigh Went From...

Lucy kelly

"DCA helped me master the basics and Salome helped me understand how all the bigger pieces fit together. Thanks, Amy and Salome for helping me create a business that I love."


Then she implemented what she learned in TLL and made her first $10,000 a few months later. In the next 3 launches, she doubled her results each time.

Made $1,500 In Her First Webinar Launch

Lucy enrolled in DCA and...

All 6 MODULES OF AMY'S COURSE ($2,997 value)

When you enroll in Digital Course Academy, you’ll receive: 

6 Implementation Modules...
Showing you literally EVERYTHING you need to do to turn your expertise into a profitable digital course that your audience truly wants.

Next-level email marketing, sales page, and social media strategies...
To amplify your results and get up to 3x the enrollments. 

The Webinar Fill-Up Formula...
To make sure you never deliver to an empty room again and instead get a packed house full of perfectly targeted, “ready to buy” prospects.

A complete, step-by-step launch plan...
Showing you how to create and deliver a high-converting webinar presentation that ethically (and authentically) enrolls dozens, if not hundreds of students, every time you deliver it.

What’s Included In


9 Weeks of Live Q&A with Amy & Team Inside the Digital Course Academy Community for Members Only

Plus you’ll receive these BONUSES FROM AMY to help generate unstoppable momentum (and keep it) through your course launch…

Value: $1,497 


How to Turn Your Live Launch into a Profit Generating Evergreen Funnel

Value: $497


Start from Scratch Module: How to Kickstart Your Email List to Grow Your Online Business

Value: $197


How to Use Paid Ads to Fill Up Your Webinars

Value: $997

That’s us!!



This one is created by the Ads team behind The Launch Lounge™!

To recap, that’s: 

6 Modules 

9 Weeks of Live Q&A with Amy & Team inside the DCA Community

+ How to Turn Your Live Launch into a Profit Generating Evergreen Funnel

+ Start from Scratch Module: How to Kickstart Your Email List to Grow Your Online Business

+ How to Use Paid Ads to Fill Up Your Webinars (as an extra pay-in-full bonus) 

course creation heaven!

match made in







Results you can expect when you join DCA + TLL Bonus Experience

Extra support for you to get your ads up faster without the tech-overwhelm.

Effortless sales copy creation for your high-converting sales page, emails and socials.

Students saying “Yes” to joining your course before you’ve even finished building it.

Your entire launch plan mapped out and scheduled in your project management tool.

A faster way to build a HOT audience ready to buy when you start selling.



Your money beliefs upgraded and your abundance code unlocked ready to tap into inner and outer wealth.

Just A Handful Of Our Favorite DCA Success Stories

- Anne LaFollette

"I thought my career was over when I was suddenly laid off from my corporate retail job at 55 years old. But in 2019, I generated $100,000 with my online business. And then in May of 2020, I made $113,446 in a SINGLE LAUNCH!!"

- Steph Taylor

"Two years ago, I had $50 to my name and had no idea how to make my mortgage payments. Now I have a 7 figure business."

- Nicole Melton

"Instead of it taking me multiple launches over 18 months to make 5 figures, DCA helped me make 5 figures in one launch!"

- Savannah GIlbo

"I made over $40,000 during this first launch and it felt INCREDIBLE!"

- Christina Tondevold

"Our most recent launch brought in over 1,000 new customers, over $300,000 for my family, and all of this happened during COVID!"

- Amanda Ferguson

"Working with Amy changed my whole life. I now have a 6 figure business! Even if you’re afraid, you just have to do it. Look at your situation right now. Do you want to stay in the same place, or are you willing to take a risk and build a better life?"


these bonuses:

Using The Link On This Page And You Also Get

Enroll in Digital Course Academy Today 

Totally free!


(Payment plans available)


Value: $497

Get our 5-Day Video Training where we show you exactly how to get started with Facebook™ and Instagram™ ads so you can skyrocket your list-building efforts while you build your course. 

Ads mini course

Bonus 1:

Value: $197

AI is all the rage right now! But how do you use AI to help you increase your sales? Easy, you have to ask the right questions. With this bonus, we’ll give you the questions to ask inside your free ChatGPT account to get the best copy to put on your sales page, your sales emails and your social media posts. You don’t have to be a pro copywriter to write like a pro with these AI prompts. 

AI Prompts For Writing Your Sales Page Faster

Bonus 2:

 Value: $197

Swipe the exact emails we used to launch our membership before we built anything in Kajabi. You don’t need to build your course before you start making sales when you have students on your email list now, ready to start learning from you sooner. 

Email Swipe File For Your Founding Member Launch

Bonus 3:

Value: $97

We’ve taken our entire Launch Project Management System and our Google Drive project files, and turned them into a Launch Project Map with a complete launch checklist, so you can effortlessly implement without wondering what comes next, succumbing to overwhelm or feeling flustered when you’re live selling your course. 

Our Project Map with Complete Launch Checklist

Bonus 4:

Value: $Priceless

Get help in a smaller group where you have one-on-one interaction with Salome and the opportunity to ask questions. With this smaller group, you’re guaranteed to get the help you deserve so you can create your course and your launch with more clarity and confidence. 

 3 Group Mentoring Calls

Bonus 5:

Value: $37

7 Beliefs About Money And Happiness That Sets Abundant Entrepreneurs Apart And How You Can Instantly Adopt These Beliefs To Skyrocket Your Results. 

This bonus alone can unlock your money and abundance floodgates and help you create a life you’ve only ever dreamed of. 

Money Mindset Audio

Bonus 6:


Digital Course Academy +
The Launch Lounge™ Bonus Experience

Hear what these students said about


The Best Bonuses To Launch Sooner:

Get all the Digital Course Academy Training And

Totally free!


(Payment plans available)




when you join using the links on this page:

Here’s how to get your bonuses


Fast forward to Christmas and you’ve got your course built and you’re ready to launch to your “Take My Money” audience with confidence and clarity and most importantly with PROFIT!!


Join Amy over the course of 9 weeks as she walks you through Digital Course Academy and keep an eye on your inbox for the links to your bonuses.


After about 48 hours, you’ll get an email from my team confirming that we have your enrollment and you’ll be getting our bonuses. If you don’t hear from us in 48 hours, please email for help. 


Click the button on this page and you’ll be taken to Amy’s page where you’ll see a full recap of what you get. Follow the buttons on Amy’s page to enroll choosing either the full pay or payment plan option. 

And kickstart your journey to consistently profitable online course launches so you can build your FREEDOM EMPIRE faster. 

Let me take you by the hand and guide you through the same journey that was the start of my success online! 

Ready to come with me to your Digital Course Academy journey to the other side of a life you’ve dreamed of?

Let me be your guide


Join the movement!

Got questions?

I gotchu boo!

No, you definitely do not need to have a large social media following. What helps is if you already have a clear understanding of your niche and who you serve. I do not recommend Digital Course Academy if you have no idea what niche your course will be in and who your ideal customer is. It also helps to have at least 100 to 250 people on your email list.

Wonderful! The more the better because that means you have a proven market. You don’t have to be the first, you just have to be uniquely YOU and your ideal customer will love you for how YOU teach and how YOU show up. 

Lucky for you, I don’t believe in ‘behind’. This is not a race and there is no behind because you are the only one living your unique life. Make a commitment to set aside 2-4 hours a week to work on this. Be diligent and disciplined and tell your family to respect this time. Then keep going and keep making progress!

Digital Course Academy is your step-by-step course to get your course created and do your first profitable launch. Think of Digital Course Academy as a paint-by-numbers of creating and launching your profitable course. The Launch Lounge™ is a 12-month immersive experience where you learn the strategies behind what Amy teaches in Digital Course Academy, so that you can grow your business and scale faster. 

Absolutely! You can choose to pay in full (and we recommend if you can, you do this because then you get our fabulous Facebook™ and Instagram™ ads bonus) OR you can choose the payment plan of 6 x $387 per month and if you buy through the link on this page, you’ll still get free Facebook™ and Instagram™ ads training from us! You go you!

Amy offers a 14 Day Money-Back Guarantee. See Amy’s page for more details and to read the fine print.    

Disclaimer: I receive an Affiliate Commission when you purchase Digital Course Academy through my page. When you purchase here, you get Digital Course Academy AND all of the Bonuses above - so it's a win all round!


Send us an email at and we’ll gladly help you decide what’s the right path for you.

Email us!

Still have questions?