The Launch Lounge™ CEO Mastermind Is Currently Closed.
Join the Waitlist to Secure Your  Spot In Our January 2025 Intake.

Online Course Creators Looking To Turn Your Launches Into An Automated, Scalable,
and Consistently Profitable Business. 


Start Scaling Your Business
Without Losing Your Mind


Get On The Waitlist NOW

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If you've landed on this page,

If you've landed
on this page,

More time freedom

More revenue AND more profit

And more peace 

it's because you're ready to experience MORE in your online courses business.

...who are TIRED of the live launch feast-to-famine rollercoaster and ready for predictable profits, scalable evergreen revenue and to unlock the key to having a business that runs, even when they rest!

CEO MASTERMIND is specifically designed for
online course creators

...but you don't want to do it alone anymore.

You’re ready to do the work to master your marketing and create business systems like a boss

Maybe You've Heard Of The Launch Lounge™️ Or You've Worked With Us In The Past..

And I'm only accepting perfect-fit members
for this opportunity. The type of online course creators who are ready for massive success propelled by the help of my team and I.


You should know this about The CEO Mastermind:

This may not be right for you. 

The truth is, I'd rather keep this group small and full of driven, high-achieving women who genuinely value the time we spend together and want to be here. 

I love working with course creators at this level that's why I designed this program to be a perfect fit for where I can pour my energy in and see the biggest return. 

You have to be committed to showing up for yourself and your fellow Masterminders even when it gets hard and Zucks changes the algorithm and the world economy sucks and your baby has gastro and well... life happens.

and anyThing below resonates with you, THEN YOU'D BE A GREAT FIT FOR...

But, if you're still reading...

But, if you're still reading...


You want... 

to take your already-profitable online course launches and build on the success you’ve achieved to increase your profit when you launch live. 

The Launch Lounge™ CEO Mastermind


You want...

to identify where your most profitable customers are so that you can reach more people without having to post content on even more platforms. 


You want... 

multiple revenue streams so that you can get off the live launch feast-to-famine rollercoaster and enjoy consistent revenue month after month even when you’re taking time off.


You want...

to increase your impact and develop your ascension model so you can scale to multiple 6 figures and even 7 figures faster. 


You’re NOT interested in...

hustling your face off, tapping into fly-by-night marketing tactics, or running quick-fix ad campaigns to avoid doing the hard work. 


You’re NOT interested in...

buying yet another online course - you want REAL help from a coach and a team that can meet you where you are, help you understand your marketing strategies and data, and be part of a close-knit community of women scaling to multi 6 and 7 figures.


You want...

without the late nights, wearing all the hats, and suffering from burnout after every live launch. 


You’re ready...

to stop hoping your big breakthrough is just around the corner and start mapping out an actual plan for getting your time back, hiring help and spending more time doing the things you love…

which is why you started this business in the first place.

Still here nodding your head?

CEO Mastermind

The Launch Lounge™
CEO Mastermind

then I’d love to INVITE you to apply to join


The Smarter Way to Grow And Scale Your
Online Courses Business So You Can Get Back To Life And Get Your Time Back Sooner. 

"Not only is Salome incredibly skilled in paid advertising, but she also has a huge heart. That is why she has been such a huge support to my community."


The ‘Most Profitable Customer Journey’ Online Marketing Formula For Scaling 6 Figure Courses To 7 Figures Smarter and Faster.

Our Agency clients rave about our ‘Most Profitable Customer Journey’ method for pinpointing your most profitable audiences and scaling your marketing where get higher returns. 

This methodology is THE Playbook for profitable, scalable online course businesses and was developed by our Agency Team after spending years behind the scenes doing ads for some of the industry’s most profitable launches. 

This methodology is THE Playbook for profitable, scalable online course businesses and was developed by our Agency Team after spending years behind the scenes doing ads for some of the industry’s most profitable launches. 

Monthly Group Coaching Calls With An Ads Coach From Our Agency Team

Monthly Group Coaching Calls With
An Ads Coach From Our Agency Team

Mindset sessions and peer mastermind sessions will help you elevate your thinking and generate new ideas from your peers. 

2 In-Person

2 In-Person Mastermind Retreats

Join me live in-person in San Diego, California and in the Gold Coast in Australia. 
3 Days of focus to plan your big moves and to build connections you'll treasure!

What You Get:

Monthly Marketing and Advertising 'What's Hot' Lessons Taught Live 

Monthly Marketing and Advertising 'What's Hot' Lessons Taught Live 

Let's face it, digital marketing changes all the time. Stay up to date with what's working with Monthly Live Lessons.

Monthly Hot Seat
Sessions With Salome

Monthly Hot Seat Sessions With Salome

Bring your burning questions, your data, or your strategy, and your launch results and let’s map out your clear path to higher profits. 

12-Month Curriculum:

12-Month Curriculum:

Connect with your peers and get a quick answer to your most burning questions. 

Private Slack Group Channel

Access To Every
Course I’ve Created

Access To Every Course I’ve Created

Every course, including our signature Facebook and Instagram Ads course, is included so you can master online marketing faster. 

You get first dibs on spots that open up in our 30 Days Intensive Experience as well as our Boutique Agency. 

Priority Access To Our 30-Days Intensive Experience and Our Boutique Agency

Ready To Turn Your Launches Into An Automated, Scalable, and Consistently Profitable Online Courses Business? 


Brand New!

You have 30 days to try out The Launch Lounge™ CEO Mastermind and if this is not a fit for you, I'll give you your money back, no questions asked.

Just shoot an email to and let us know within 30 days of getting started in the program and your refund will be processed within 7 days. 

Our Bold Guarantee To You

- Alex Whitehead

From lack of clarity... to complete confidence and a clear strategy.

“I guarantee it you’ll spend copious amounts of time trying to figure this out by yourself and you’ll literally waste your money so I mean, what are you waiting for is probably the biggest question. How can you afford not to join The Launch Lounge™?”

- Lucy Kelly

From launch newbie... to 6 Figures and over 10 consistently profitable launches.

“I have a degree in marketing but when I came to The Launch Lounge™ I really learned the subtleties of knowing my audience and making offers that convert. Now, I definitely know how to use this powerful tool to grow and scale.”

- Michele Luminato

From years of hustling on social media... to having a strategy that works!

“I was so frazzled and overwhelmed. But because I have shown up to the calls and worked through some of this stuff with you, I have eliminated things that were taking up space.”

- Mona Mandour

From not knowing what to do next... to having a clear plan for progress.

“It’s so supportive, everybody is at different stages on their growth journey. And everybody pitches in because we’re all aware of the different struggles of different people. We all pitch in and help.”

- Nicole Melton

From low engagement... to ranking No 1 and No 2 on Google organically.

“I know that my engagement + traffic ads strategy were a HUGE part of sending quality traffic to my site.”

- Roberta West

From being stuck on the live launch hamster wheel... to successfully launching on evergreen. 

“When I joined The Launch Lounge™ I really wanted to accelerate the process of putting offers in front of people. For me, it was really important to learn ads, something that would speed up the journey to making money. Now I know how to use ads and I've learned the marketing pieces to make this work for me."

- Diane evans

From feeling completely alone... to feeling supported and loved.

“I can't tell you how much I appreciate the support and responsiveness of The Launch Lounge™!!” 🥰

- Claire Shamilla Yee

From social media burnout... to launch success.

“It was amazing to have that support during a launch, and afterwards to debrief. So that’s why I joined because I knew it was going to be amazing to tap into Salome's wisdom, support and the Community. And that’s why I’m still here a year later!”

- Kimberly Samson

From hoping for the best... to having a clear strategy for success.

“My biggest breakthrough being in The Launch Lounge™ is really putting together a strategy from start to finish for a launch rather than just throwing spaghetti against a wall and hoping for the best.“

Case Studies From Past Students

"I'm sitting on a $140K launch with one week left of cart open. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to every single one of you! The Launch Lounge™ has changed my life!"


The Mastermind Is Right For You    

You want to unlock bigger profits when you launch your course or program

You want to create a lasting impact in millions of lives

You want the freedom to live your life on your terms


You want to be part of a movement at the forefront of the $350 Billion online education industry


"My account was shut down before... to incrementally having a $17,000 launch, to $30K, to $50K, to my most recent one, which was $82,000 in one launch, and it's a hundred percent from Salome's advice."

- Lauren Marie








Number of Years Combined Experience In Online Marketing In Our Small Team

It has been an amazing experience working with Salome and her team. I’ve learned to analyze every piece of my launch and now I know what’s working, what isn’t, and where we should put our efforts to improve our results. The best part of this experience for me was how I got to know our business a lot better and the wonderful job Salome does guiding you through all the analysis. I am a person who hates analyzing data, but The Launch Lounge™ 30 Days Intensive made that hard task so much easier.

What’s been the highlight of this experience for you?



Marta Morlan


This 30 Days Intensive strategy offer has been the BEST investment because of how custom it was to my business. There’s no cookie-cutter strategy for everyone. I loved that this wasn’t just about “how to use Facebook™ ads”. Instead, this was a tailored strategy for how to attract my audience, convert and scale. I couldn’t see what Salome and her team instantly highlighted because we get tunnel vision in our own biz. Salome just gets it and is one smart cookie. I wouldn’t trust anyone else with this.

What’s been the highlight of this experience for you?



Sally Coombes


I loved getting an expert’s opinion on what I was already doing well and what could be done better. Had I tackled this on my own, I would have missed so many important steps like setting up tracking for my funnels and making sure the funnels were speaking to each other (and graduating my customers from one funnel to the other). It was nice to get this kind of feedback without any judgment – I truly felt like Salome and her team wanted to help me and my business succeed.

What’s been the highlight of this experience for you?



Savannah Gilbo


"I’ll recommend Salome
and her team in a heartbeat."



Still Have A Pressing
Question About Joining

We’re here to help you. You can email the support team at any time and we’ll get back to you as soon as the sun rises here in Australia. 

Meanwhile, please check out some of the most frequently asked questions we’ve listed for you. 

The Launch Lounge™ CEO Mastermind?

Now is the best time to invest in yourself and in your business. After 10 years in business what I know for sure is that there is always something that you'll have to navigate in life and in business and if you wait for the best conditions you'll never start. Take action and solve the problems that are in front of you NOW and the rest will take care of itself. Train yourself to become resilient and you'll reap the rewards faster. 

It depends on the level of experience and knowledge you have when you join The Launch Lounge™ CEO Mastermind. You will, however need to spend a significant amount of time working on your business and be available for our live calls to get the most out of the program.

You get a LOT when you join The Launch Lounge™ and the CEO Mastermind. More than you get in any other course or program, so we want you to know that we expect much of you too. We offer a 30 Day Unconditional Money Back Guarantee on the Mastermind. 

You'll have the option to downgrade to our Freedom Level Membership should you want to maintain access to the course materials and the support in The Launch Lounge™. 

Please read our full Terms of Use

It depends on the level of support you choose. There are two levels you can choose from.
The easiest way to get started is with our 12 Monthly Payment Plan which is US$997 per month for 12 months. You'll save $2,000 when you enroll and pay in full for US$9,997. 

Our VIP Option is for those who want to continue agency level support but run their ads themselves or hire an in-house ads manager. The investment to gain access to this level is $25,000 and payment options can be arranged. Please email us at if you would like to talk to someone about the VIP Level of the CEO Mastermind. 

Absolutely! Fill out an application and you'll be assessed along with all the other applicants. 

Having been a member of The Launch Lounge™ will definitely give you an advantage!

Absolutely! Fill out an application and you'll be assessed along with all the other applicants. 

We assess applicants based on their values, the stage of business they're in, and how well they will fit with the other members. 

Yes, you only need to have 1 course that has been proven to convert.

Yes, and we will assess their motivation to learn and to be a contributing member of the group before we accept them into the group. We've found that the owner of the business is often more motivated to learn and in a more open space to be coached and to build relationships with the other members of the Mastermind. If this is not the case for your team member, please feel free to have them apply. 

Our call time is usually around 9:30am Brisbane time which is Salome's local time. We encourage members to attend calls live and to be fully awake during the calls. If this will be a problem for you, this might not be the right fit for you. If we have enough members from  Europe or South Africa, we will consider moving the call time occasionally to 6 am Brisbane time to accommodate all our members. Please apply and let us know what timezone you're in if you feel this will be an important consideration for you to be an active contributing member. 

You'll only get one-on-one access to Salome during our live retreats of if you enroll as a VIP Member. 

This is a marketing-focused group that specializes in helping online course creators master every aspect of their marketing. Unless your current Business Coach is a specialist in online marketing for online courses businesses, this will be where you quickly learn to grow and scale your marketing and your Business Coach can help you with other aspects of your business. 

Please email our support team at if you have any questions about this program.