we're your new online marketing superpower!

Discover How To Market Your Online Courses For Bigger profits, faster growth, And To Confidently Build A business that scales… 

If You're Ready To

If You're Ready To

You’re probably not getting enough eyes on your course offers or you know your launches can be more profitable…

If you’re here…




By now, you may have discovered there's more to launching and building a profitable online courses business… 

Than simply following that step-by-step, one-size-fits-all course (or courses) you bought.  

Creating an audience is one thing… getting that audience to buy your course is a whole different kettle of fish!

Trying to find your ‘One Funnel’ has cost you more money and time than you ever thought when you started this journey.

Even if you are one of the lucky few who built your warm audience, launched successfully and made a profit right out of the gate… 

You might be left wondering…

What do I do next if I want to grow and scale?

How do I identify the missing pieces of the marketing and funnels map and create a clear roadmap for growth?

How do I know what to do next to continue growing profitably if I “don’t know what I don’t know”?

What you need is…

A growing audience who wants to buy your course

To increase sales launch after launch (even with cold traffic)

A clear map for growing your online courses business to 6 and 7 Figures

You need...

an experienced marketing team

by your side to teach you, coach you, and guide you with your online course marketing 

To give you a personalized roadmap to profit… 
So you feel confident knowing you're doing the right things to grow your business faster.

And that’s exactly where we come in... 

Show me how >


They know how to ascend their customers and build the lifetime value of those customers to turn them into lifelong fans and ambassadors.

Unlock Automated Proifts By Focusing On Lifetime Value


They understand data and analytics and can identify where their most profitable customers come from and replicate that journey for growth.

Master Your Numbers To Scale Exponentially


They choose the right launch funnels for their niche and their price point.

Choose High Converting Funnels


They know how to sell what their audience wants to buy.

Create Offers That Convert


They know how to find, nurture, and engage hot audiences who are ready to hit the ”Buy Now” button.

Build Hot Audiences

we discovered that all profitable and scalable online course businesses have these 5 marketing pillars in place...

After 9 years of being the advertising secret sauce behind some of the industry’s most profitable launches
and evergreen funnels

Here’s how we can help you wherever you are in your online course journey

We’re finally sharing the 5 Marketing Pillars every profitable online courses business need to grow and scale to 6 and 7 Figures faster - with you.


click here

We’re the best at running ads for online course creators because we work exclusively with online course creators!

Access marketing and ads strategies that are algorithm-proof, fad-free, and are proven to work even in tough economies. 

Scale to 7 Figures With Our Boutique Ads Agency Team Who Specialize In Selling Online Courses

click here

Not sure what to do next to increase your launch results, turn your offer into an evergreen funnel or increase revenue and profits?

Uncover exactly what’s working in your marketing and create a clear plan to grow and scale your business faster.

Full Marketing,
Launch and Ad Audits

click here

Get personalized guidance from expert coaches who can help you make decisions based
on your goals, your data and your budget.

Create success faster with feedback and help from our experienced coaches in our weekly coaching sessions.


To Learn More About
Our Ads Training

click here

All the online marketing training, specific to selling online courses, in one place.

You'll never need to buy another
course again!


To Learn More About
The Launch Lounge Mastermind

To Learn More About
The Launch Lounge
30 Days Intensive Program

To Learn More About The Launch Lounge
30 Days Intensive Program

To Learn More About The Launch Lounge Boutique Ads Agency

To Learn More About The Launch Lounge Boutique Ads Agency

We help online course creators

master online marketing so they can sell more courses, make more profit, create a bigger impact, and build a business that lets them live life on their own terms. 

In a nutshell…

(no matter where they are in their journey)

Discover The Gap In Your Online Course Marketing And Unlock Its Full Earning Potential

Take The Most-Profitable Course Quiz

Take The Quiz

Get Your First List Building Ad Up Without Wasting Time Or Money

FREE 5 Day Video Training

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Your First $10K Online Course Launch

A Step-By-Step Guide To Launching Your Online Course Profitably The First Time

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Discover The Gap In Your Online Course Marketing And Unlock Its Full Earning Potential

Take The Most-Profitable Course Quiz

Take The Quiz

Get Your First List Building Ad Up Without Wasting Time Or Money

FREE 5 Day Video Training

Get Started

Your First $10K Online Course Launch

A Step-By-Step Guide To Launching Your Online Course Profitably The First Time

Sign Me Up

The Most-Profitable Course Quiz:

Discover The Gap In Your Online Course Marketing And Unlock Its Full Earning Potential.

Take The Quiz

5 Day Video Training: 

Get Your First List Building Ad Up Without Wasting Money. 

Get Started

Your First $10K Online Course Launch:

A Step-By-Step Guide To Launching Your Online Course Profitably The First Time.

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