3 Essential Ads Every Online Course Creator Needs to Grow Their Launches Faster

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Salome Schillack

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I love helping course creators advertise and market their courses well!

I created The Launch Lounge to provide training and coaching resources to help you master marketing so you can make a global impact, build a highly profitable business, and live life on your own terms.

Hi, I'm Salome

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I love helping course creators advertise and market their courses well!

I created The Launch Lounge to provide training and coaching resources to help you master marketing so you can make a global impact, build a highly profitable business, and live life on your own terms.

Hi, I'm Salome

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I love helping course creators advertise and market their courses well!

I created The Launch Lounge to provide training and coaching resources to help you master marketing so you can make a global impact, build a highly profitable business, and live life on your own terms.

Hi, I'm Salome

Your First $10K Online Course Launch

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I love helping course creators advertise and market their courses well!

I created The Launch Lounge to provide training and coaching resources to help you master marketing so you can make a global impact, build a highly profitable business, and live life on your own terms.

Hi, I'm Salome

Get Your First List Building Ad Up Without Wasting Time Or Money

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follow @the_launch_lounge

I love helping course creators advertise and market their courses well!

I created The Launch Lounge to provide training and coaching resources to help you master marketing so you can make a global impact, build a highly profitable business, and live life on your own terms.

Hi, I'm Salome

Launching your online course successfully and finally seeing results from months (sometimes years) of hard work is an incredible moment for every online course creator.

Whether you're a beginner navigating the course creation process or a seasoned pro aiming to elevate your launches, using these 3 types of ads will boost your list-building and your launch profits every time.

In this blog post, we will explore the 3 essential ads every course creator needs to grow their launches faster. 

These ads have been proven to captivate potential students, highlight the value of courses, and help skyrocket our impact and income. 

If you only run these 3 ads, you’ll be in the pound seat, for sure!

Unlock Deeper Connections: Increase Social Media Engagement with These Must-Have Ads For Course Creators

Engagement ads are the most effective way to unlock deeper connections on social media without breaking the bank. 

If you’ve never run ads before or you’re starting out new, these essential course creator ads offer a low-cost solution to create meaningful connections on social media and build your following fast. 

You can start with as little as $5 per day and dive into your first set of engagement ads simply by turning your best social media post into an ad and optimizing the ad for more engagement. 

When you run engagement ads, your pages and ad accounts collect the essential engagement needed for the algorithm to start learning where to find your ideal customer online.

We call this building up your account ‘mojo’.

A picture of the ads manager showing the essential course creator ads that increase engagement on social media

Start by running these low-cost engagement ads to your ‘warm' audiences, creating a ripple effect of social proof. 

As you become more comfortable with investing money in these essential ads for course creators, slowly increase your targeting to include larger ‘cold' audiences as well. 

The result? 

Your social media posts reach new audiences, your following begins to flourish and you get discovered sooner by the students who are looking for someone like you, right now.


Remember to craft custom audiences that capture everyone engaging with your website, Facebook page, and Instagram profile. This strategic move sets the stage for powerful retargeting campaigns with your list-building ads.

Here are two examples of engagement ads that worked well for building engagement for The Launch Lounge ad account.

An example of a must-have ad for course creators that was used to increase engagement

Here is another example of a video ad we used to increase engagement on our account.

An example of a type of ad that online course creators use to build engagement on their social media

Essential Course Creator Ads: Supercharge Your List Growth with High-Converting List-Building Ads

If you want to market and sell your online courses, the money truly is in the list. 

List building ads are must-have ads for course creators looking to build momentum that goes beyond the reach of social media alone. 

Choose your best-performing lead magnet and run list-building ads to this lead magnet to boos email list subscribers. 

With list-building ads, you'll witness a snowball effect that steadily grows your following resulting in more profits and more sales in your live launches. 

Imagine creating the foundation for your launch once and effortlessly repeating the process for new, eager participants.

With a consistent list-building ad running at all times, you automate your list-building and get to focus your energy on more important tasks in your business sooner. 


Transform a small piece of your course content into an irresistible freebie. No need to reinvent the wheel—use what you already know resonates with your audience and delivers a quick win. This not only showcases your expertise but also entices your ideal customers.

Here's an example of a list-building ad that successfully added over 10,000 people to our email list.

Example of a list building ad that is one of the essential ads every course creator must use

Get Your First List Building Ad Up Without Wasting Money!

Free 5-Day Facebook And Instagram Ads Training 

We have recorded a FREE 5-Day Video Training for you where you can look over my shoulder as I show you everything you need to know to get your first list building ads up. 

Ignite Excitement and Anticipation and Boost Launch Sales with Pre-Launch Ads

Fuel the fire of anticipation with pre-launch ads, a vital element among the must-have ads for course creators. 

Pre-launch ads are designed to increase sign-ups for your webinar, video series, challenge, or workshop.

Whatever event you choose to facilitate the sale during your launch, use pre-launch ads to effortlessly fill up the seats. 

These essential course creator ads are your ticket to sparking excitement, captivating your audience, and cultivating a warm and eager crowd ready to enroll in your online course.

Picture this: you've been consistently running engagement ads and strategically building your email list. Now, as you approach your launch, you have a robust “warm” audience primed for action. 

This is where pre-launch ads come into play, amplifying your reach and setting the stage for a successful launch.

Consider starting these ads approximately 10 days before your event, gradually building excitement. If you have a solid strategy to engage early opt-ins, feel free to kick off the campaign more than 10 days in advance. 

An example of a pre-launch ad that got leads for a 3- day workshop to boost sales

Here is another example of a pre-launch ad we successfully used to fill up our webinar.

Example of a pre-launch ad that is one of the essential course creators ads that boosts sales

Target your ‘warm' audience first, allowing the ads to run until you hit a frequency of 4 or more. Once this threshold is reached, run the ad to your ‘cold' audiences next, to ensure your launch is packed with enthusiastic leads.


Leverage the power of retargeting by reaching out to your ‘warm' audience—website visitors, social media engagers, and email list subscribers. This strategic move ensures your launch resonates with those who have already shown interest.

BONUS AD (If you have extra budget): Maximize Conversions and Boost Your Launch Results with Launch Ads

Convert more sales with Launch Ads, sometimes called Cart-Open Ads the secret weapon among course creators who want to increase profits. 

As your cart open period draws to a close, these essential course creator ads are designed to maximize conversions and amplify the impact of your launch results.

Picture this scenario: you've diligently executed engagement ads, supercharged your list growth with list-building Ads, and fuelled anticipation with pre-launch ads. Now, it's time to go all in with Launch Ads during the peak of your launch. 

These ads complement your sales emails and play a pivotal role in converting those who have shown interest but haven't yet taken the plunge.

Introduce ‘doors-open’ ads, testimonial ads, ‘new bonus’ ads, and ‘doors closing’ ads to get your message of urgency in front of your entire audience and convert more sales. 

An example of an ad demonstrating effective advertising for online courses


While launch ads are the final piece of the puzzle, their effectiveness is magnified when preceded by the three ad types discussed earlier. Building engagement, growing your list, and igniting excitement lay the groundwork for a launch ads strategy that truly boosts your launch.

Effective Facebook and Instagram advertising for online courses isn't just about visibility; it's about strategically leveraging each ad type to build a responsive audience and drive enrolments. 

So, whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro, incorporating these essential course creator ads into your strategy ensures you attract the right clients, build a dynamic email list, and launch like a pro. 

Get Your First List Building Ad Up Without Wasting Money!

Free 5-Day Facebook And Instagram Ads Training 

We have recorded a FREE 5-Day Video Training for you where you can look over my shoulder as I show you everything you need to know to get your first list building ads up. 

Salome Schillack sharing the 3 essential ads every course creator needs

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Here to help you turn your passion, knowledge and skills into a wildly profitable business that gives you complete freedom and autonomy in your life and your work.

An entrepreneur, marketer and teacher

I'm Salome

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