Crafting The Perfect Lead Generation Quiz: A Step-By-Step Guide For Course Creators

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Salome Schillack

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I created The Launch Lounge to provide training and coaching resources to help you master marketing so you can make a global impact, build a highly profitable business, and live life on your own terms.

Hi, I'm Salome

In the buzzing world of online course creation, the lead generation quiz has emerged as a popular tool to grow an email list faster. 

It seems as if all the cool kids are jumping on the quiz bandwagon right now!

But, because we here at The Launch Lounge have an inside view of so many online course businesses, we can let you in on a little secret. No one is bragging about the quiz funnels they created that did not work!

So if you want to unlock the magic powers of quizzes, you have to know how to craft it to convert. 

In this guide, we'll explain exactly how you can create a red-hot lead generation quiz to get more leads on your email list who are ready to buy your course.

Why A Lead Generation Quiz Is Working So Well Right Now

Quizzes are popular for the simple reason that people love themselves – and they love learning about themselves. 

A quiz offers your future lead the opportunity to start a process of uncovering what may be stopping them from getting what they want, or what they need to do next to get the results they are hoping for. 

When you diagnose someone’s problem for them or help guide them in the right direction toward a solution, they also believe you can help them find the bigger solution they’re looking for. 

In short, quizzes work because they pull people in who are curious to find out about themselves. Quizzes increase the trust your lead puts in you. This means you get better email open rates, higher engagement, and ultimately more sales in your next launch.

Common Mistakes To Avoid When Planning Your Lead Generation Quiz

There are two common mistakes course creators make when designing their lead generation quiz.

You can avoid them now that you know what they are. 

1. Your Quiz Has To Answer A Question Your Ideal Customer Already Has And Wants An Answer To

Your ideal customer will only offer up their email address if they believe there’s value in it for them. They want to know your quiz is designed to help with get the answer they want. 

Popular culture quizzes like “Which F-R-I-E-N-D-S character are you?” work well for popular culture. These quizzes will not be enough to attract a lead who’s serious about investing in your online course.

When choosing a quiz topic, think about your ideal client’s biggest pain point then turn it into a question you solve with your quiz. 

When you tap into their greatest pain point or deepest desire and create your quiz to match those, you will attract leads who buy. 

2. Your Quiz Has To Solve A Problem Or Offer A Valuable Solution Your Ideal Customer Wants 

The key word here is ‘WANT’ not ‘NEED’. 

When you’re an expert in your field, it’s easy to want to jump right in and give your lead what they need. But unless they also want what you offer, no one will take your quiz. 

When you talk to your ideal customer, how do they describe what they truly want? Can you build your quiz to reveal either a clear pathway forward or a clear way to eliminate an obstacle in the way of achieving their greatest desire?

Choose The Right Quiz Format

These four basic quiz formats work well to help you grow your list. The format you choose depends on your niche and the needs you are trying to meet for your future students with your quiz. 

Personality Quiz

The personality quiz works well to group people into different abstract styles or groups. It’s loosely based on traditional personality styles like Meyers-Briggs or Enneagram but can apply to a business ‘personality style’ like a brand voice or brand mood too. 

Brad Bizjack uses a personality quiz for his leads to identify their unique success archetype then he delivers content based on their strengths. 

Brad Bizjack uses a personality quiz to attract leads to his online courses business.

Scorecard Quiz

A scorecard quiz is a quiz that tests your lead’s knowledge about a topic. 

Yeh, kinda like a school test!

These quizzes are very effective if you sell a course that teaches highly technical content. When your lead identifies significant gaps in their knowledge and you can recommend an easy way for them to fill that gap, you'll get more course sales. 

Jon Loomer helps his leads identify gaps in their knowledge about Facebook ads with his scorecard quiz. 

Jon Loomer uses a scorecard quiz to attract new leads to his business.

Diagnostic Quiz

A diagnostic quiz helps your audience identify what to focus on to get the results they want. 

It can also work well to reveal to your audience what’s stopping them from getting the results they are looking for. 

By diagnosing what’s keeping them stuck or what they should do next to get the results they want, you’re increasing their trust in your ability to help them get results. 

Chanti Zak diagnoses the best type of quiz to use based on the type of business you have in her quiz. 

Chanti Zak uses a diagnostic quiz to attract leads to her online courses business.

Recommendations Quiz

Recommendation quizzes are often used to help your lead eliminate overwhelm and find an easy place to start to generate momentum and get results sooner. 

Some examples of recommendation quizzes include curated podcast playlists or blog reading lists. 

Amy Porterfield uses a recommendation quiz to drive leads from her website to her podcast by helping them compile a playlist of episodes to listen to, perfect for where they are in their business journey.

Amy Porterfield uses a playlist quiz to attract leads for her podcast.

Consider How Your Lead Generation Quiz Fits Into Your Marketing Funnel

‘Because it’s so hot right now’ is never a good enough reason to do anything in marketing. 

Sure, sometimes you jump on the bandwagon and you hit a home run, but just because all the cool kids are doing it or talking about it does not mean a quiz will definitely work for you. 

The best place to start, when you’re choosing any new lead magnet is to start with the end in mind. 

That means, start by asking yourself which product or products will be the logical final step in the journey for my student who finds me through my quiz. 

Think about what you’ll sell first, then work your way back through the process of building a relationship with your lead. 

Keeping in mind what you’ll sell, ask yourself this “What’s the best way to start my relationship with this lead where I can purposefully create a journey for them that starts with my quiz, builds trust through my email marketing, and ends in a happy student who loves my course?”.

Create Your Quiz Results Categories

Before we come up with the list of questions we’ll include in our quiz, we want to define the categories of the results our readers can get. 

We start here because it’s easier to create questions once we have clarity about the different categories or the different results pages we want to send our readers to at the end of taking our quiz. 

As a course creator one of the major benefits of using a quiz as a lead magnet is its power to segment your audience for you as they sign up for your list. 

That means you can tell who’s ‘checking you out’ and who’s ‘give me your course now!’ – ready which results in more sales when you launch or when your leads go into your sales funnel. 

Creating The Perfect Lead Capturing Categories For Your Quiz

Always start with the end in mind and create your results categories based on one of these segmenting factors to ensure you get more sales from your quiz leads:

  1. Create categories based on their readiness to invest in your course.
  2. Create categories based on their awareness of the solution your course can provide for them.
  3. Create categories based on the different offers or levels of offers you have in your business.

Put yourself in your ideal customer’s shoes and take a moment to think about the results page you’ll be creating for each of these categories. 

What are the specific pain points you’ll touch on for each category, what are their deepest desires at this point in their journey and what’s the next logical step to begin working with you? 

Once you can answer these questions and create separate categories for each level, you have your quiz categories nailed.

Develop Your Quiz Questions

When you’re developing the questions for your quiz, your main goal is to get your reader to complete the quiz and give you their email address in exchange for their results. 

According to Interact a good conversion rate for a quiz is about 40%. That means 60% of the readers who start your quiz will not finish it. 

Create your questions using a variety of question types in your quiz to keep your lead engaged. 

Here are eight different types of questions you can use in your quiz to ensure a positive reader experience. 

  1. Fluffy Questions: These are easy-to-answer questions that make the quiz more enjoyable and encourage completion. Examples include preferences like Apple or Android. Using too many light questions may result in data that’s harder to use to define a clear outcome for your lead.

“What drink would you rather have: whiskey in a bar or a Pina Colada on the beach?”

  1. Captain Obvious Questions: These state obvious outcomes you already know they want to achieve, like losing weight or increasing revenue. They help to connect your quiz with your ideal customer’s deepest desires.

“Are you looking to increase your revenue this year?”

  1. Know-How Questions: Know-how questions prompt participants to think carefully and assess their knowledge. They are valuable for scoring the quiz and assessing the level of expertise on specific topics. Avoid making the quiz questions overly challenging or your reader might not want to finish your quiz.

“Can you explain what a custom conversion is?”

  1. Scale Questions: Scale questions help readers reflect on their performance in certain areas. They help readers better understand themselves and identify areas of improvement. Be aware that these questions rely on personal opinions and shouldn't dominate the quiz.

“Rate your relationship with saving money on a scale from 1-10, 1 being ‘what does saving money mean?’ and 10 being ‘I save like a boss’.”

  1. Qualifying Questions: These are the most valuable questions to decide if someone’s right for your course or not. Qualifying questions ask your readers about their current situations and their willingness to invest in a course. Too many of these questions could make for a very serious quiz and take the fun out of your quiz. 

“Do you have available funds and are you willing to invest in your personal development right now?”

  1. Data Collection Questions: Data collection questions gather specific information about leads. Information like how they prefer to consume content or where they heard about you for the first time. This can be very helpful to segment your list for a deeper connection with your audience. 

“Have you worked with an ads agency before?”

  1. Direct Sales Questions: Sales questions directly ask a reader if they are interested in a paid solution you offer. Asking a reader directly what they want to do next and helping them take the next step will increase your sales conversion rates significantly. 

“Would you like to hear about our group coaching program for women who want to go from 6- to 7 figures in their business?”

  1. Aspirational Questions: Aspirational questions focus on understanding your audience's goals and aspirations and help you get insight into their deepest desires as they relate to your niche. These questions allow readers to envision success and become excited about the solution your course provides. These positive questions should be included but may be difficult to score.

“What’s your monthly revenue goal before you can retire your partner?”

Make Your Quiz Easy To Use

Integrating your lead generation quiz with the right technology that creates a seamless experience is critical. 

Your technology should include most or all the following technical features:

  • Connect with the Meta Pixel so you can run ads to promote your quiz. Don't forget to create appropriate custom audiences for retargeting.
  • Eliminate distractions and have a clean and clear interface, preferably with your branding on.
  • Provide you with data so you can optimize your quiz for higher conversion rates.
  • Integrate with your CRM (we love ActiveCampaign) for capturing, tagging, and segmenting your leads when they join your email list.

We love to recommend Interact to our clients and students for their lead-generation quizzes. Interact is the only software we trust when we run ads to quiz lead magnets. 

An Image of the home page of TryInteract software we love for crafting the perfect quiz

*We receive a small commission for referring you to one of our affiliate partners. We only share products we love and we know will add value to you.

Provide Feedback Your New Lead Can Take Action On

‘Can take action on’ being the operative words!

What do you want your lead to do next?

Create an epic results page that connects deeply with your new lead. This helps them build trust in you then introduces them to all the ways you can help them. 

Give them a clear win and share social proof with them from other students whom they can relate to.

Don’t forget to create an epic email sequence to add value to your new lead and build your relationship with them. 

We always recommend you make a low $ offer soon after your lead opts into your list or within the first few days they are on your list.

A lead who’s already purchased from you is a lot more likely to purchase again and that will go a long way toward increasing your profits in your big bi-annual live launches. 

Promote Your Lead Generation Quiz On All Your Platforms

Once you know your quiz brings in hot leads who are eager to engage with you are ready to start promoting your quiz with ads. 

I recorded an episode of The Shine Show Podcast where I share exactly how to use paid ads to promote your quiz. 

We also have a detailed post for you to help you understand exactly how to successfully promote your lead generation quiz with Facebook and Instagram ads so you never waste any money on ads. 

Now you know exactly how to craft the perfect lead generation quiz to build your list faster, get hot leads for your next launch and grow your online courses freedom empire. 

Get Your First List Building Ad Up Without Wasting Money!

Free 5-Day Facebook And Instagram Ads Training 

We have recorded a FREE 5-Day Video Training for you where you can look over my shoulder as I show you everything you need to know to get your first list building ads up. 

Salome Schillack creating a lead generation quiz lead magnet to get new leads for her online courses business.

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