An Unbiased Review: Does Amy Porterfield’s Digital Course Academy Live Up To The Hype?

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Salome Schillack

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I love helping course creators advertise and market their courses well!

I created The Launch Lounge to provide training and coaching resources to help you master marketing so you can make a global impact, build a highly profitable business, and live life on your own terms.

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I love helping course creators advertise and market their courses well!

I created The Launch Lounge to provide training and coaching resources to help you master marketing so you can make a global impact, build a highly profitable business, and live life on your own terms.

Hi, I'm Salome

Your First $10K Online Course Launch

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I love helping course creators advertise and market their courses well!

I created The Launch Lounge to provide training and coaching resources to help you master marketing so you can make a global impact, build a highly profitable business, and live life on your own terms.

Hi, I'm Salome

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I love helping course creators advertise and market their courses well!

I created The Launch Lounge to provide training and coaching resources to help you master marketing so you can make a global impact, build a highly profitable business, and live life on your own terms.

Hi, I'm Salome

One thing I know for sure is that you’re probably here because you have big dreams for your online course or membership. 

You may even have asked yourself in the past, “What is the secret to creating an online course that I can sell over and over to people on the internet anyway?”

That’s why I want to share with you my unbiased opinion about Amy Porterfield’s program, Digital Course Academy. 

When you finish reading this, I hope you’ll be inspired to learn more about Amy and about the incredible opportunity that lies on the other side of completing Digital Course Academy with me as your guide. 

But first, let’s start by introducing you to Amy…

Who Is Amy Porterfield?

Amy Porterfield is an online marketing expert and the host of the top-ranked podcast, Online Marketing Made Easy. 

Through her bestselling courses, book and popular podcast, Amy’s action-by-action approach proves that even the newest online entrepreneurs can bypass the overwhelm, and instead generate exciting momentum as they build a business they love.

What is Digital Course Academy?

Digital Course Academy is Amy’s online course through which she aims to teach as many people as possible how to build lives of freedom and autonomy by selling their courses online. 

(We have that in common and if you’ve been here a while, you’ll know how I feel about building a FREEDOM EMPIRE!)

She’s combined all her knowledge from creating and selling 8 successful online courses over 14 years, generating over $80 Million, and condensed it into this 6-Module course holding nothing back!

Over the years she’s become known for being the Queen of Step-By-Step instructions.

Just tune in to one of over 400 episodes of her acclaimed Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast, where she’s been sharing her knowledge about online marketing for free for over 8 years, to hear her deliver on this promise!

Join Digital Course Academy And Get Our Exclusive Bonuses

What Will I Learn In Digital Course Academy?

What sets Digital Course Academy apart is that you’ll learn both how to create your online course and how to market and sell it. 

When Amy says she’ll teach you “Step-By-Step” she means she’ll show you EVERYTHING you need to do to turn your expertise into a profitable digital course that your audience truly wants.

The course also contains a complete, step-by-step launch plan showing you exactly how to create your live launch using a high-converting webinar.

She walks you through the marketing and sales process in a way that will leave you feeling like you served your students at the highest level. 

One of my absolute favorite things about learning from Amy is the unique gift she has for taking large, complex processes and turning them into small manageable parts that gives you enough detail without causing overwhelm. 

When you join Amy’s Digital Course Academy you’ll learn:

  • How to turn your expertise into a profitable digital course that your audience truly wants.
  •  A step-by-step launch plan showing you how to create and deliver a high-converting webinar presentation that sells your course without ever being sleazy or salesy.
  • Exactly how to fill up your webinar with an audience who loves and adores you and is ready to become your paying students sooner. 
  • All the email marketing, sales page, and social media strategies to amplify your results. 

Some fabulous bonuses come with the course for everyone who purchases the core content:

  • 9 weeks of live Q&A calls with Amy and her team to support you as you learn.
  • How to Turn Your Live Launch into a Profit Generating Evergreen Funnel because no one ever turned down ‘money-while-you-sleep!
  • There’s also a fabulous Facebook™ and Instagram™ ads bonus my team and I created that will help you fill up your launch with hot leads faster (to get this bonus you’ll either have to choose Amy’s full-pay plan or you can always choose to purchase through our affiliate link and then you’ll get the best ads training from the horse’s mouth!).

World-Class Support And An Incredible Community

When it comes to live support, Amy and her team set the bar for all the others to follow. 

Amy shows up for her students and gives 150% when she is on her live Q&A calls to help as many students as possible make progress. 

In past years she’s had coaches with different specialties help out to ensure there is even more support whenever she is unable to answer a question. 

I even got to support the Digital Course Academy students myself for two years with their Facebook™ and Instagram™ Ads questions. 

Amy’s team works HARD and they do not give up. They go out of their way to make sure every single question gets answered and everyone is taken care of during the 9 weeks of support. 

After the support period ends students have the option to continue in her monthly membership ‘Momentum’ but you do have lifetime access to the course, so if you choose to go at it alone after the 9 weeks, you still have access to all the content. 

My absolute favorite people I have ever met were all from one of Amy Porterfield’s Facebook™ groups for her courses. Amy attracts generous, loving and kind people who are smart and supportive and love seeing other people win! 

I am not a Facebook™ group junkie – but after 8 years, I still hang out in Amy’s community from time to time. 

Thousands Of Success Stories

It’s become a cliche to say this, but I will say it anyway…

Amy’s courses changed my life completely. 

I bought my first course from her in 2015 and I have bought every single course that she’s created including Digital Course Academy and I am proud to be an affiliate for this program and every other program she creates. 

It would be incredible if my story was the only success story but what makes this program so remarkable is that there are thousands of us. 

Thousands of people have used what we learned from Amy to turn our knowledge into courses that we marketed and sold successfully. 

This has allowed us to live lives of freedom, where we are completely liberated from the financial or time constraints our jobs used to place on us.

You can hear some of the incredible stories from past Digital Course Academy alumni here

Your Best Next Steps

Every year around August and September (or as my American friends like to call it “the Faaaaaaall”😉) Amy hosts an incredible worldwide launch party to welcome the new group of Digital Course Academy students to this new phase of their lives!

And every year we show up for ALL OF IT!!

This year, like every year, we’re joining in again and we have a special bonus package that we reserve only for the students who choose to join us and go through Digital Course Academy with us as their partner. 

The first step is to sign up for this…

Join Digital Course Academy And Get Our Exclusive Bonuses

Then I want you to carve out a few quiet moments and start seeing yourself 12 months from now when all your digital course launch dreams are a reality.

What are you celebrating?

  • Quitting your job, like I did.
  • Taking on fewer one-on-one clients.
  • Growing your current online courses business to 6 and 7 Figures faster.

I do not have words to describe the impact that Amy Porterfield has made in my life and the trajectory of my business. You should buy everything she sells as soon as you can, you will not regret it! 


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An entrepreneur, marketer and teacher

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